ZEISS ARAMIS adjustable 24m

ZEISS ARAMIS Adjustable 24M

Measuring stress and strain at the highest level of detail

ZEISS ARAMIS Adjustable 24M combines advanced technology with maximum flexibility. The two 24-megapixel cameras capture even the smallest details of 3D displacements and surface strain – both for point-based and full-field measurements. With its unique combination of high local resolution and image recording rate, the sensor offers precise results for a wide range of inspection tasks and meets sophisticated demands in research and development.

  • High-resolution measurements
  • Next-generation testing sensor
  • Effective data acquisition

Highly detailed images at fast changing requirements

  • ZEIESS ARAMIS Adjustable 24m
  • zeiss-aramis6m-slider

    Next-generation testing sensor

    The powerful hardware of the ZEISS ARAMIS Adjustable 24M sensor is up to your challenges and provides flexibility for any measuring task: The backside illumination ensures excellent light sensitivity, predefined frame modes provide smart options for capturing fast movements and the fiber optic components allow for high data transmission rates.


The high spatial resolution of the sensor enables the acquisition of more 3D coordinates per measuring area. This provides you with more information about filigree areas or structures and allows you to measure large objects (> 500 mm) at shorter distances.

  • Versatile

    ZEISS ARAMIS Adjustable 24M has a frame rate of 100 frames per second (fps) at full camera resolution. However, it can be increased to 360 fps with four additional frame modes. In combination with the modular design, the system can be adapted to a wide range of measuring tasks.

  • Reliable

    The sensor’s lightweight and flexible fiber optic cables as well as its industrial network components enable fast and reliable processing of measuring data. The system thus achieves high data transmission rates and is insensitive to electromagnetic interference.

Technical data

ZEISS ARAMIS Adjustable 24M

Camera resolution

5312 × 4448 pixels

Frame rate (fps)

100 fps @ full resolution

350 fps @ binning (2656 × 2224 pixels)

185 fps @ 5312 × 2240 pixels

270 fps @ 5312 × 1472 pixel

360 fps @ 1920 × 1088 pixels

Measuring area (mm)

20 × 17 up to 5000 × 4500

Precise and versatile for research and development

The unique combination of high spatial resolution, fast image acquisition rate and modular design offers maximum flexibility to handle a wide range of measuring tasks. This is crucial when the requirements for a sensor change rapidly in research and development.

  • ARAMIS adjustable civil engineering
  • ARAMIS adjustable electronics
  • ARAMIS adjustable automotive
  • Civil Engineering

    Civil engineering

    In the field of material characterization, the sensor reliably determines material parameters and registers even the smallest crack peaks that occur prior to material failure. During crack development and crack opening analysis of larger components with low strain, the high spatial resolution enables an early analysis of structural changes in detail.

  • Electronics

    Compared to sensors with lower resolution, more information is generated on the same measuring area, allowing displacements or strains to be calculated more accurately. Therefore, even small samples and components (2–50 mm) can be measured with the highest level of detail to analyze the behavior of electronic components under thermal load.

  • Automotive


    In the context of fatigue testing of larger components (> 500 mm) with low strain, the ZEISS ARAMIS Adjustable 24M allows more accurate determination of deformations at maximum force and a temporally detailed record of displacements.

ZEISS Correlate Pro
ZEISS Correlate Pro


The right choice for 3D testing applications such as capturing and analyzing movement and deformations.

Acceptance Test

Evidence of the quality and performance capability of most ARAMIS sensors is provided by the Acceptance Test. The acceptance procedure is based on VDI standards 2634-1 and 2626 and is an integral part of the outbound delivery process. Customers receive a GAT certificate for the purchased sensor, a DAkkS certificate for the optical scale used and a detailed process description.

  • ZEISS Acceptance Test

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