ZEISS Axioscan 7
live seminar at Curtin University Malaysia
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Discover the New Possibilities of Automated Petrography
We are pleased to announce the collaboration between ZEISS and Curtin University Malaysia for the upcoming ZEISS On Your Campus (ZOYC) event at the Geophysics Laboratory. ZOYC is an educational workshop designed for researchers and students who utilise microscopes.
During this workshop, you will have the opportunity to experience live demonstrations of the ZEISS Axioscan 7 Geo Automated Digital Slide Scanner and understand how this technology can benefit your research.
Here are the details of the workshop:
Date: 27th June
9 am - 11 am: Webinar: Discover the New Possibilities of Automated Petrography
11 am - 12 pm: VIP Session for petrography experts
12 pm - 2 pm: Lunch break
2 pm - 5 pm: Demo and hands-on session at Geophysics Laboratory, Curtin University
Date: 28th June
9 am - 12 pm: Demo and hands-on session at Geophysics Laboratory, Curtin University
Additionally, after the opening webinar, we will conduct a Demonstration and Hands-On session of the Axioscan 7 Geo Petrography Slide Scanner. This session is open to the public; prior registration is required to secure a spot. Registration confirmation will be sent via email.
For further information and registration, kindly contact:
Dr Sandy - 012-327 6072
Ms Christine - 012-887 0896
We look forward to your participation in this event!