FREE Download For Pathologists

Learn How to Enhance Hematological Analysis and Discover the Ideal Microscope for You

Explore How Advanced ZEISS Microscopes Enhance Blood Analysis and Diagnosis

Our routine microscopes are designed to meet the demanding needs of hematologists, offering crystal clear images , high colour fidelity, improved efficiency and ergonomic comfort. Discover how our innovative solutions are revolutionizing blood analysis and diagnosis.

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  • For hematologists working in routine labs

Navigating Microscope Hurdles in Hematology

  1. Do you struggle with differentiating subtle features in blood cell morphology due to insufficient resolution?
  2. Do you face challenges in accurately identifying blood components because of inadequate color fidelity?
  3. Do you experience discomfort or ergonomic strain during long hours of microscope use?
  4. Do you need more efficient digital documentation methods for your microscopic analyses?

In this package, you will learn...

  1. Learn about the components in the blood including red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets.
  2. Learn about the role of microscopy in hematology and get introduced to preparing blood smear and bone marrow examination.
  3. Learn about the staining methods in hematology including Pappenheim staining, Giemsa staining, Wright's straining and the expected staining sample coloration.
  4. Learn how the hematologists work on the microscopes, switching between overview to manual cell counting.
  5. Learn how the whole range of ZEISS microscopes cater to the complex needs of hematological analysis.

Here is what you will receive in the ZEISS Hematology Insights Package

  • ZEISS Microscopes for Hematology Informational Booklet
  • Quick Guide: Microscopy in Hematology (PDF white paper)

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ZEISS Hematology Insights Package

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