3D X-ray Imaging in Life Science Research | White Paper
Application Note

3D X-ray Imaging in Life Science Research

How to capture the 3D structure of biological samples using X-rays

X-ray imaging systems provide high contrast, high resolution 3D (cellular) imaging of your delicate life science samples including mineralized and soft tissues, organs and organoids, and plant tissues.

In this application note, learn how to use X-ray microscopy to visualize internal 3D structures of these biological samples without physically cutting them.

Download the application note below and read about:

  • How does X-ray imaging work
  • Imaging with hard and soft X-rays in life science research
  • Instrument configuration for 3D X-ray tomography of immobilized samples
  • Generating contrast and minimizing X-ray tomography artifacts
  • Optimizing reconstruction of X-ray tomography data

Take a Look Inside

  • 3D X-ray Imaging in Life Sciences White Paper - Preview 1
  • 3D X-ray Imaging in Life Sciences White Paper - Preview 2

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