Using 3D X-ray Imaging in Life Science Research.
An Introduction to Capturing the 3D Structure of Biological Specimens using X-rays.
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Workshop Agenda
An Introduction to Capturing the 3D Structure of Biological Specimens using X-rays.
Understanding physiological structures is at the core of many research questions in life science. Electron microscopy offers structural information at the ultra-resolution level, but you may wish to capture larger volumes from your samples. Or perhaps you would like to streamline your multimodal imaging workflows by quickly acquiring an overview 3D dataset. ZEISS X-ray microscopes provide high contrast, high-resolution 3D imaging of your delicate biological samples, including mineralized and soft tissues, organs and organoids, plant tissues and more. Study inside your specimen histologically, without destroying your sample with dissection, down to a cellular level.
Join our webinar to discover how X-ray imaging can unlock new insights in your research and learn the practicalities of mounting and scanning specimens in the ZEISS Xradia Versa installed at Mahidol University.
Rosy is a solution manager in the life science division at ZEISS Research Microscopy Solutions. Rosy became fascinated by microscopy during her PhD where she investigated early mouse embryo development and the impact of nitric oxide. In 2008 Rosy joined ZEISS UK as an imaging specialist with responsibility for the laser-based 3D portfolio of instruments including confocal, super-resolution and light sheet microscopy. Rosy took responsibility for the X-ray microscopy portfolio in the UK in 2015 and was immediately struck by the vast range of specimens that can be explored, particularly in biological research. Now working in the life science division, Rosy supports the global ZEISS team in developing applications and defining future requirements for the ZEISS portfolio of X-ray instruments.
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Don't miss out on uncovering new research insights through X-ray imaging! Register now for our webinar, where you'll learn about the practical aspects of mounting and scanning specimens in the ZEISS Xradia Versa, installed at Mahidol University.