Whether you're a dentist or a beautician - enjoy perfectly sharp vision with professional spectacles
Some activities demand exceptional spectacle lenses that deliver more. State of the art technology from ZEISS helps you to see perfectly, even at a microscopic level.
What do you need to consider when buying spectacles for "jobs involving detail"? Which spectacle lenses are most suitable? What kind of spectacle frame should be used? What kind of coatings are recommended? Ultimately, spectacles not only need to work well - they are a reflection of the wearer's respectability and individuality.
If your job needs a good eye for detail, you need a precision vision solution: individually adapted spectacles for work, close up, magnifying vision aids or progressive spectacles tailored to your specific activity. BETTER VISION shows you an overview of our spectacles, lenses, coatings and professional vision solutions for work.

As always, the most important feature of perfect spectacles for work - high quality lenses and adaptation by the optician
Some jobs require very precise vision. Dentists and dental technicians work on microscopically small details of the teeth, while watchmakers work on tiny gear components and beauticians need a perfectly sharp view of their clients' complexion. Individually adapted spectacles are the only way to meet these requirements. Spectacles remain the most effective method of correcting vision problems. They can be best adapted to the eyes of the wearer - and support them with almost all their vision needs. Generally speaking, keeping the weight of spectacles as low as possible is recommended, regardless of the job or purpose they are used for. This means that spectacle lenses and frames should be made of lightweight materials. The less you notice that you are wearing spectacles, the more natural and the less strain you find it to see things. Particularly in a working environment, this is a major benefit in terms of comfort and, thanks to the variety of modern spectacle frames and lenses from ZEISS, the perfect spectacles for a customer can be created with no problems.
As precise as a fingerprint - custom-made lenses
The key factors in creating customised lenses for jobs requiring detailed vision include what is known as the working distance. Depending on the distance at which a jeweller works on jewellery, for example, an ophthalmic optician can create spectacle lenses optimised for this precise distance. Other specific features of the activity are also taken into account: are plastic or glass spectacle lenses better suited? For example, spectacle lenses made of highly refractive glass materials are recommended for jobs involving contact with the public. They result in greater light deflection and thus enable thinner lenses to be produced. Tip: fashionable slim spectacle lenses from ZEISS allow a slim, aesthetic lens design to be achieved even with extremely poor vision.
Which frame is most suitable for me?
Almost as important as choosing the right spectacle lens is selecting an appropriate frame. The vision problem to be corrected plays a critical role here. Is a solution only required for distance? Or progressive spectacles? For spectacles for work, the key recommendation is to choose a practical frame. They should be more robust than normal as not only do they rest on the nose they are also frequently placed on the desk or chair, where they can easily be damaged. Frames with a rim have proven extremely effective. The additional advantage of a robust frame with rim is that, unlike with a rimless frame, the spectacles can be put on and taken off quickly with one hand in an emergency. In many jobs this is absolutely essential as at least one is normally being used when working - particularly in manual trades or dentistry. Tip: the latest special work lenses are ideal for seeing at close range and at medium distances (at your desk or on production machinery).
Most effective coatings for added comfort and durability
For our eyes, relaxation means vision without reflections or irritation. The key requirement for this, however, is high quality spectacle lenses with an appropriate coating and individual adaptation to the wearer's requirements. In other words: the better the quality of the lenses and coating and the higher the level of adaptation, e.g. to the demands of the relevant job, the more relaxed our vision. ZEISS lens coatings such as Clean Coat or antistatic make an important contribution here. For activities involving a lot of contact with the public, we offer a range of state of the art lens coatings, e.g. anti-reflective and dirt repellent. Activities in offices with overhead lighting, for example, are hugely tiring without anti-reflective spectacles, as the lights reflect in the spectacles and cause irritation for the eyes - in some cases, you can be tired long before the end of the working day. A similar situation occurs when driving at night, on your way home for example. Without anti-reflective spectacles, we quickly find it tiring as all lights reflect both in the windscreen and in our spectacles. This is why, particularly when it comes to spectacles for work, we recommend choosing the right anti-reflective coating, such as a high-end coating from ZEISS. Spectacle lenses with a high quality ZEISS coating are so smooth that dirt particles and water droplets find it difficult to adhere to them and simply roll off. This means that you can see more and feel more relaxed - while also looking more professional as there are no dust or dirt particles clouding your view behind the lenses. Yet another advantage of the latest lens coatings is that they can also strengthen plastic lenses. Where required, exceptionally lightweight yet hugely robust spectacles can be designed. The options are so varied that there is an ideal solution for any job.
Progressive spectacles for the workplace - more individually adapted to your eyes than ever before
If you do not want work spectacles or special magnifying vision aids, ZEISS Progressive lenses provide optimum adaptation to the various requirements of your job. In consultation with the ophthalmic optician, we initially identify exactly which purposes the spectacles will be used for and then adapt the lenses and the frame accordingly - individually produced and made to measure.
The crucial factor when choosing vision aids for jobs that need a detailed view: take time for a personal consultation.
Essentially, the more individually and precisely spectacles and lenses are adapted, the better their tolerability. As a result it is important that anyone who is choosing spectacles for their job should take their time and get detailed advice from their optician about the demands of their work.
If spectacles are not enough - magnifying vision aids from ZEISS provide exceptionally sharp vision even with tiny microscopic details
Depending on requirements and demands, even perfectly customised spectacles might not be enough for a job. This could be where microscopically tiny objects require such precise handling by a precision mechanic, dentist or restorer that professional standard magnifying vision aids are required, perhaps even with supplementary illumination. ZEISS precision loupes (such as the innovative G 2.5 TTL telescopic loupe) ensure precise, fatigue-free vision right down to the smallest detail, if required with Xeon illumination and up to four times magnification of the field of vision. Whether used by a dentist, an electrical engineer or a dermatologist, these professional precision loupes mean that nothing is missed.
Treat your eyes to a break.
Our eyes enjoy a bit of relaxation now and again. The following exercises can be completed quickly and conveniently at work, and give our eyes a short but effective break.
- Look as far as possible into the distance
Our eyes are mainly used to focusing on an object at the same distance the whole time, which is just the same as tensing a particular muscle for a long period. Repeatedly looking away from your monitor and deliberately looking into the distance (at least six metres) while working significantly reduces the strain on your eyes. It results in a much more relaxed and pleasant feeling in the eyes.
- Warm with the palms of your hands
Warmth and darkness do our eyes good. You can achieve two to three minutes of deep relaxation by gently covering your eyes with the palms of your hands (without exerting pressure on the eyeballs). Then remove them very slowly so that the daylight does not dazzle you. By the way: this technique is known as "palming".
- First aid: short massage for tired eyes
The three-finger massage is a tried and tested remedy for over-tired eyes. Place your thumb and middle finger on the root of the nose, with the index finger between your eyebrows. Now move the three fingers in a small circle, exerting gentle pressure on the root of the nose - after around 15 seconds the whole area will be relaxed.