Glasses prescription guide.

ZEISS Optical Inserts for Apple Vision Pro.

It's easy to order ZEISS Optical Inserts.

Key prescription aspects to keep in mind.

The following guide explains the prescription information you need to provide when ordering ZEISS Optical Inserts – Prescription for Apple Vision Pro. Please note that, according to Singapore regulations, certain conditions may apply in order to complete your purchase online, therefore these points are for your reference only and are not legal advice. If you have questions about your prescription, please ask your eye care professional.

  • We need your eyeglass prescription to create your ZEISS Optical Inserts – Prescription. This is why we ask you to upload it. Contact lens prescriptions or ones for task-specific uses (office or computer glasses, near reading glasses) don't qualify.

  • Your prescription must contain the issue date. If it doesn't have a date, please ask your eye care professional for a valid prescripton. If the issue date is more than 2 years old, please contact your eye care professional for a new prescription.

  • Your eyeglass prescription needs to include your full name and date of birth.

  • Prescriber information
    Your eyeglass prescription must include the prescriber's information (name, phone, address).

  • We need a copy or scan of the whole document (not only the values) to be able to validate your prescription. Please ensure all required information is included in the document in a way that is clearly readable and without being blurred or obstructed (i.e., all text is sharp). If you identify a missing value or information, please make sure to ask your eye care professional before uploading. 

  • ZEISS Optical Inserts – Prescription may include a slight power variation for individuals 40 years of age or older or those who have an ADD power on their prescription to provide a small amount of accommodative relief.

  • In Singapore, due to local regulations you cannot order ZEISS Optical Inserts - Prescription online if:

    1. you have an organic eye condition, or
    2. your prescription is outside of ranges -6.00 to +6.00D (SPH) or 0.00 to -2.00DC (CYL), or
    3. you are under the age of 16.

    Visit an authorized Optical Insert Professional to learn about available purchase options.

Be prepared

Check if you have all necessary information at hand

This is the information we will require to make your ZEISS Optical Inserts

a. Your personal information
b. Your vision correction details for eyeglasses. If you have a value in Cylinder, then you also need to have a value in Axis, and vice versa. Please ensure your values are within range using our Prescription Checker widget.
c. Prescription issue date
d. The prescriber’s information

Please note that not all documents look the same. Information may be displayed differently. If you don't have a complete prescription document, please visit your eye care professional to obtain one.

We recommend using our prescription template
You can download our recommended prescription template to help ensure you get all information needed to order ZEISS Optical Inserts - Prescription:

1. Download the document
2. Print the document or share it digitally with your eye care professional
3. Book a consultation with your eye care professional to check your vision correction needs, and fill in the Prescription document (handwritten or digitally)
4. Take a clear photo of the whole document, ensuring everything is legible
5. Upload to

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